To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Part One of our trip

We just returned from our last annual trip to PSU!  This is the last year and I am quite sad about that.  Thankfully, the trip was filled with lots of excitement and wonderful memories. 

Our trip began with me and the kids flying without daddy!  I got lots of crazy stares from random people in the airport.  One guy even asked me if I was Catholic...really??

I purposefully scheduled a flight for nap time and guess one napped.  Well, that is not entirely true.  Elena napped for 15 minutes and was awake for the remaining 2:30.  Samuel needed a nap badly, but thankfully he was rather good.  The flight was good and throwing up like on our last flight, no spilled drinks, and no crying fits.  I deemed it a super successful trip!

As we were de-boarding, Samuel began having the biggest fit.  I managed to get him off the plane and into the stroller without too much trouble.  We stopped at the bathroom and headed to get Samuel some milk.  Milk is his comfort and he was in desperate need of it.  Before I could buy the milk, he fell asleep in the stroller.

Thankfully my wonderful sister met us at baggage claim and helped me with the luggage.  Emma and Jonah were so great...each pulled a bag to the car.  Samuel stayed asleep this entire time.  Elena was so tired, but again she refused to sleep.  Finally we were all tucked in Kelsey's car and headed to the house. 

It was great to see everyone when we arrived at The Hayes House!  Elena decided to nap, Samuel played nicely after his short nap, and the big girls loved being together again.  Oh, the fun began.....stayed tuned!

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