1. I am attempting to run 14-16 miles tomorrow. I have done it twice and am working my way up to 16-20 miles. I figure if my body can hold for that long I can do a marathon. That sounds crazy to me, but I think it may be true. I am working on learning more about training my body to run for 4+ hours. I am praying that by building my mileage base this summer, my marathon training plan won't be too daunting. A challenge it will be, but more manageable I think! Can you tell I am excited to begin training!?!?
2. Summer is almost upon us. Jonah graduated from pre-K today
(more on that later) and Emma finishes 2nd grade next week. Next fall two of my babies will be in elementary school. What an exciting and sad thought all at the same time!
3. Drew and the Northwoods Sanctuary choir had their Spring Concert last Sunday. I was unable to go for various reasons. Drew's mom and Emma went and loved it. One of the reasons Meemaw came was to hear the concert and I think it filled her soul. Drew was very proud of the outcome!
I just love this picture! |
My handsome guy in his tuxedo...I wish the picture quality was better. |
4. Drew rode his bike today for the first time in two weeks. He is pretty much healed from his accident. His helmet did not crack, but it was dented and scratched. Thankfully, he had enough sense to order a new one!
5. Jonah has grown quite accustomed to me taking pictures. He often tells me that he knows where we could take the perfect picture. I was able to get this gem after church last week.
Jonah looking like a thug and Samuel just too cute for words! |
6. Meemaw left on Tuesday. We had a fantastic visit. Her help was much appreciated. The kids love playing with her. I also enjoy our visits during the day. She had the opportunity to see lots of "lasts" for the school year, which was fun for her and the kids. Thankfully, I was able to get the best picture ever of her and all four kids...amazing really!
8 eyes looking at the camera at the same time...who knew it was possible! |