To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Palm Sunday

Since tomorrow is Easter, I thought I should at least post our Palm Sunday pictures.  I know that taking pictures with four children under the age of 7 is a challenge.  I still like to torture myself with picking out coordinating outfits with the hopes of getting that perfect picture.  It has yet to happen, but the kiddos are getting better at smiling and looking at the camera (always a challenge for dear Jonah!).

Palm Sunday at our church is a big day.  The kids walk in the sanctuary with palms singing Ho-ho-ho-hosanna!  A donkey leads the group, which they think is super fun.  After church there is a petting zoo, a light lunch, and an Easter Egg hunt.  What more could a child want in one day!

Samuel and his friend Jackson walked around the petting zoo holding hands the entire cute!
Jonah loved petting all the animals.  This deer was so cute!
This was Elena's expression almost the entire time she was near the animals...either that or squealing.
Jonah loving the bunny just before he dropped the poor thing.
Samuel and Elena looking for a way to escape the petting zoo.

Emma and her friend Maddie looking at the animals.
The egg hunt is a huge success.  One of our friends posted on Facebook that it took the kids 2 minutes to gather all the funny!  Samuel really enjoyed the hunt this year. 

Samuel, Patrick, and Jake waiting for the go-ahead to hunt eggs.
Annabel helped Elena look for eggs.
Jonah waiting for the hunt to begin. He just finished dancing with his bucket on his head.
Samuel picking up an egg.
Checking out their prizes.
Before all the activity we had some pictures taken in the Labyrinth.  We also took some after we got home from church.  I am hoping for more smiles on Easter Sunday!

Me and Drew at home
Drew and the boys at home
Sweet Elena and she left the bow in her hair...yeah!
Jonah loving on Elena
Sweet the dresses!
Me and Emma at home.

All of us...notice where Jonah is looking!

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