To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monster Mash recap

M asked me a couple of weeks ago to run the Monster Mash 5K with her and I agreed.  Drew and I had planned to go as a family, but it was the 40's so we decided that I would just go.  Drew and I knew that Jonah would be freezing.

As the week progressed I was worried about my foot.  It improved gradually, but I could still feel discomfort when I ran.  How strange that it did not hurt to run barefoot, but in goodness!

M picked me up at 6p and off we went.  We got our race packets and were thrilled to see that the Sam Houston Race Park was open.  So, no port-a-pots and heat!  We had a bunch of time to waste before the race so we hung out inside to stay warm.

M is faster than me, but she recently found out she is pregnant!  She was not sure how the race would go for her.  She set the pace and we finished  mile one at 7:49.  I passed her somewhere before mile two and my split was somewhere in the high 15's.  I figured all the footsteps behind me were her, but no.  I tried hard to push at the end and crossed the line in 23:21...a total PR for me!  I was super excited.  M finished in 24:42 which she was disappointed with, but I think she ran a good race.

M. finished second her age group.  For a while I was posted as first in my age group and was quite excited.  It did not last too long as two other speedy women were located and I finished third.  Still, I was thrilled and I got a cute little Frankenstein trophy.  The kids liked it.

Me and M after the race

Me getting my was still cold!
We already plan on running again next year with no babies on board for either of us!

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