To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Redemption is Sweet

Three weeks ago I ran my first half-marathon and it was not good.  In fact, it was just total junk!  It was not the race I hoped it would be.  I left Galveston so disappointed and have thought about it so much since then. 

Thanksgiving week I registered for my second half.  This time the race was at a park in Humble.  This meant I could sleep at home...a definite plus.  The race was two loops through two parks...a definite plus.  I was hopeful it would be cooler...and it was...a definite plus.

Drew was very supportive of this race.  It meant I had to miss church.  That meant he had to get all four kids ready by himself and try to get to church on time for choir practice.  I really did not like missing church especially during Advent, but I really felt this was a race I need to do for me and my sanity.  Drew knew this and he did everything he could to help me feel prepared.  What an awesome husband!

So, today was race day.  I had a great night of sleep.  A cool front moved through last night and I got my wish for cold weather.  It was probably 40 degrees at the start and windy.  Did I mention it was windy?  Today windy was defined as 15-25 mph gusts.

See the white caps and waves on Lake Houston!
Today I ran my race plan.  I did not do that in Galveston.  A slow 10 minute mile one.  My feet were starting to thaw by this point.  A quicker 9:30 for miles 2-3.  My two marked the beginning of no frozen toes...yeah!  A slightly quicker 9:15/20 for miles 4-5. I was able to shed my outer layer at this point.  In Galveston I hit the wall at mile 5.  Today at mile 5 I said "TAKE THAT!"  "My Sweet One" starting playing and off I went.  I ran progressively faster for the last 8.1 miles and felt great doing it.  My last three miles were under 8:00 which is fantastic!

I remembered to look at the clock as I finished.  I remembered to listen to the announcer to hear my name as I finished.  I remembered to remember it all!

I finished in 1:57.26....a full 6:08 faster than my time in Galveston.  I crossed the finished line and was given a great finishers medal.  I walked a few feet, bent over, and cried.  I felt the sweet release of so much frustration and disappointment.  I felt the joy of accomplishing what I new I was capable of doing.

I texted Drew while he was at church with my time.  I got this reply, "Good job!  Sermon about joy.  You experienced it today.  I did too because I get to be proud of you."  I cried again because he is so awesome!

Taken by me with my phone after the race...again so windy!

1 comment:

  1. I never had a doubt your would reach your goal! Way to Go!!!
