To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Rewind

Holy Cow!  Where did 2010 go?  I know each year does not pass more quickly than the previous year, but I really think it might have happened this year.  Having four kids might have something to do with time passing quickly in our lives!

Us in February!
What did we do in 2010?

Emma finished 1st grade in June and began 2nd grade in August.  She lost lots of teeth and spent the summer toothless.  She stuck with gymnastics even when it was tough and it paid off!  She is going to begin the girls Hot Shots class in January.  She started taking tennis lessons in September and enjoyed them. She also turned 7...really??!!!

Jonah began Pre-K in August...his last year at the ELCP.  He turned five in September which seems unreal.  He began attending the boys Hot Shots gymnastics class in August.  Despite telling me, "Mommy it is really hard", he also told me "I really like it!"  Jonah also lost his first tooth in December!

Samuel turned two in February!  He is talking, talking, and talking.  He began attending the Two Year Old class at the ELCP in August.  It has been a rough go, but he is doing well and having fun after getting over his goodbye sadness.  Samuel tried gymnastics and did well.  However, he did not want to take the class without Daddy so no gymnastics for right now.  Samuel has been sleeping in a big boy bed since June and is mostly potty trained.  He will do almost anything to keep up with Emma and Jonah!

Elena turned 1 in December...seriously it went too fast!  She is saying da for Daddy, a word for more, and sometimes Ma Ma.  She is walking behind push toys and along furniture.  She has six teeth and sleeps through the night.  Elena loves to eat and eat anything!  She is so happy...smiling almost all day long.

We saw my sister Kristen get married to Joe in August.  We had a great summer visiting family.  Of course our trip to EC was awesome.  We loved Mammy and Pappy's new house in NC.  We went camping with our good friends in June, which the kids thoroughly enjoyed.  We also took two small trips to Austin with Meemaw and to Galveston with Mammy.

Us in June!
The kids and Drew watched me run a wonderful of them.  My first 5K after having Elena was in March and I ran a 29:15.  The last 5K I ran this year (Oct) I ran in 23:21!  I realized my goal of a sub 2 hour half in December.

Drew went skiing with his family in February and loved it!  He bought a road bike and has enjoyed his time riding.

Us in August!
Other things keeping us busy were church activities especially VBS in July!  It was tons of fun.  We spent a lot of time with our great friends.  We are very thankful for our "Texas Family!"

We had a great 2010!  We were blessed beyond measure by our Awesome God!  We can't wait to see what fun 2011 holds for us!!

Christmas Eve 2010

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