Since the day Samuel was born he has loved a paci. I should say paci's because he prefers one in his mouth and at least one in his hands. It has been his form of comfort for almost three years.
Well, last week during a few gross potty training moments, the paci was taken from him. For two naps and two sleeps in a row there was no paci. So, we just continued down that road to no paci's at all. Friday night we had a good-bye paci party. Samuel picked out the ice cream flavors
(vanilla, chocolate, and butter crunch), the kind of cone he wanted
(sugar), and we put a candle on it. We sang a good-bye paci song and NO MORE PACI'S! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!
Paci party ice cream sundae |
Now, there will no longer be any pictures looking like this
13 months getting ready to play in the snow in UT |
From now on I hope to get pictures with this
A great big smile! |
It has been exactly one week since this adventure began. Tonight was the first night he did not ask for his paci at bedtime. I am so thankful this journey had ended! I am so proud of Samuel for being so brave!
What a milestone. Great job Samuel!!! We're proud of you!!!!!