1. In 2011 I dreamed of running 1,000 miles. I have NEVER EVER come close to that in the past, but I knew I was in a different running place. I knew I could accomplish it. I did!! In August!! On December 31, 2011 my total mileage for the year was....drum roll please.....1576.6 miles! Woo hoo for me. I could not have done it without the support of Drew, my kiddos, and God giving me the strength to run at all sorts of crazy times in all sorts of crazy weather.
I have yet to decide on my goal for 2012. Can I do a 1,000...yes. Do I want to run more miles in 2012? I don't know. I may just be waiting until after the marathon to decide...
2. I am running 18 miles on Sunday morning. Yep, you read correctly...18 miles. I have never run that far. I am leaving the house at 6am and plan to be back by 9am. I know I can do it!
3. Just in case you think all I do is write about running or think about running, I don't. On Wednesday night, Drew and I spent our only evening alone resting on the couch, having a beverage, watching football (and maybe a little blogging!) since before Christmas. Remember I said resting. We have been alone in the evening, but we have always been working...wrapping, cleaning, packing, building a room, and the list could go on and on....
Tonight was our last chance to be together as a couple...just TWO people for the next two weeks. I am happy that Meemaw is coming to visit and I know it will be great. I am thankful for our visit with Grammy and Grandpa. It was lots of fun. But, most of all I am thankful for my relationship nurturing evening with Drew.
Gllad you guys took some time of yourselves finally! You both deserve it.