1. Best run ever -- The easy answer is my first marathon. I was so happy to finish and to finish just under 4 hours. But, in total honesty, it was the Zooma 13.1 in Annapolis on June 1st. I had hoped to run a big PR, but was injured just before the race. Thankfully I was able to run so I just ran for fun and still PR'd. That was awesome. So was the weather. So was the course. I just loved everything about those 13.1 miles!
My first marathon...so tired and happy at the same time! |
All finished at Zooma...at Navy Stadium |
3. My go-to running outfit -- A running skirt and loose tank top if it is hot and it is always is in Texas. When we get a repreive from the heat, I love my capri pants and a short sleeve shirt. If it can be bought at Target, I am probably wearing it!
4. Quirky habit while running -- I am totally with Susan on this. I really want to run on the left when I run with someone. If I have to run on the right, I leave such a huge gap between us. Then I feel like I a running on the left. I must also walk on the left side of someone...strange, I know!
5. Morning, midday, or evening -- Always morning
6. I won't run outside when it's -- Storming really bad. I have gotten used to running in rain, but I would rather run on my treadmill than do that too. The temperature has nothing on me.
7. Worst injury and how I got over it -- I would have to go with my broken toe. Because I am so smart I continued to run on it despite the unbelievable pain. I was in NYC when I broke it and if I could walk (barely), I could run in Central Park. Good logic, don't you think? I did and I don't regret it for one second! I eventually took time off and it healed.
8. I felt most like a badass mother runner when -- I ran 8 miles (because I got took a wrong turn) Central Park less than 24 hours after breaking my toe. It was not pretty, but I did it.
It is too awesome to not run in Central Park! |

10. Potential running goal for 2013 -- To qualify for Boston...yikes!
So, there you have it. Ten things you probably did not care to know about me, but now do! Seriously, it was fun to think about and write so I hope you enjoyed it!
i care!!!!