Soon everyone was awake and our normal Tuesday had begun. As I was making breakfasts and lunches I flipped the date on my calendar---9/11. I knew today would not be a normal Tuesday. How could it?
After Emma and Jonah went to school and I finished my morning chores, Elena, Samuel and I headed to the park.
They played for an hour before we went to Target to pick up some things. We had lunch, played games, and napped. I got ready for our busy evening of meetings and gymnastics. It was a normal Tuesday.
A normal day that did not feel so normal. In my mind I knew that today was different. Today changed everything for our country and for so many people. My heart felt heavy all day.
I was driving to work listening to talk radio when I heard that the planes hit the towers. What??!! I remember thinking I heard the news wrong, but I had not. As soon as I got to work I called Drew. I turned on my television and was glued to the news all day. How would I explain these horrific acts to my residents (I was the program director at a brain injury rehab facility)? I will never forget that day and their sweet reactions.
Today I saw the images from that horrible day on Facebook and on television. I heard pieces of live news from that day on the radio. I did not feel the same sense of shock as I did that day. Or have that pit feeling in my stomach. Or the lack of knowing what to feel as I did 11 years ago. But, I still felt sad. There is really no good explanation for the events of that day.
Drew and I did not get to visit the memorial when we were in NYC in June. We did get to visit the church that was the epicenter of activity and refuge for so many. I did not take any pictures inside the church. I felt it would be disrespectful to the memories and people.
We also went to the memorial visitors center. All the pictures, items left behind, summary of the events, and the quotes were overwhelming. I started crying as soon as I entered each place. It was hard to breathe. I can't even imagine what it would have felt like to really live it that day and in the years really live it! Can you imagine?
Hope...the new Tower |

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