To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Chosen Half Marathon

This past Saturday I had the awesome pleasure of running the Chosen Half Marathon.  I ran as part of a team raising money for the Post family who is in the process of adopting a Columbian boy.  In total I think approximately $2,000 was raised and thus the Post's are that much closer to bringing their son home!

I went because I wanted to run a half.  I thought it would be a great challenge to run a hilly course (it was).  I also loved the opportunity to raise money for the Post family.  I had no idea that I would be so blessed by the weekend and the other women who ran. 

Many of the other ladies are not runners.  They exercise, but they are not runners.  Several had only run 4-5 miles a few times before the face.  There is no way I would run 13.1 miles on minimal to no training.  But, these ladies were not afraid.  They knew they were running for a greater cause than themselves.  Inspiring!

Jenn, Dawn, Carla, Cystal, and Paula's goal was to finish under three hours.  I was prepared to wait and to cheer them on at the finish.  I passed them on the course and they all looked strong!  I was inspired!  I finished and I waited.  I did not wait too long.  Each one crushed their goal and it was amazing!  Many tears were shed and hugs were given.  Each lady ran for a greater purpose...ran on faith...and it carried them to the finish!  I learned more about really running from them than I have learned in the past year.  I hope I get to run with them again sometime soon!

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory 
that will be revealed in us. 
Romans 8:18 

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, 
who has been given to us. 
Romans 5:3-5
(Drew wrote down this verse for me before I left)

Oh, I ran a PR...1:54.47.  I was super proud of myself too!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Three Things...

The Family Room - I am trying very hard to be happy with the progress in the family room, but I am not sure how successful I am being.  When Drew and I first discussed and planned the project, Halloween was the goal date for completion.  Well, Halloween is Monday and the room will not be finished.  Our to do list includes:

new carpet to be ordered and installed (not by us!)
baseboards to be purchased, cut, painted, and installed
crown molding (same as above)
window sill and trim (same as above except Drew has to make the window sill)
paint parts of the ceiling
install and wire all the ceiling lights
finish all the stuff needed for the new tv (I am not sure what all this is.  I just know it is a lot of stuff.)
install two new doors
and who knows what else I am forgetting

Don't get me wrong.  Drew is working very hard to get tasks accomplished.  I help when I can.  I just need them to be finished sooner, which is not going to happen.  So, I guess I get to practice being patient!

Decorating - So, despite being frustrated with an incomplete room, what is done looks great!  Today Samuel and I put out some fall decorations.  I am hoping the helps me and my negative attitude!
My new mantle
Finally Doors - Yes, we have doors on the one side of the cabinets.  Unfortunately, I already put most of the games on those shelves so I can't put too much other stuff away.  At least now I can't see the games and puzzles.  Oh, the doors look really good!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday's Picture(s)...ugh

Last Saturday Drew and I had the opportunity to attend NAM's Jeans and Jewels benefit dinner and auction.  I of course had nothing to wear and neither did Drew.  We both got new get-ups and looked pretty fine!  However, I look pregnant in this picture (trust me I am NOT), but it is the best I have of the evening.

While we were there and after a drink or two, Drew decided it would be a good idea to ride the mechanical bull.  It was hilarious!

Yeah, he fell off eventually.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


It never fails to be a rough morning when I don't run.  Without the run, I feel like I lack the extra something I feel after every run.  I am more easily annoyed.  I am more snippy when things happen that are less than fun.

This morning is the perfect example.

Emma was sad because her feather came out.

One of the boys wet the bed and now I am washing sheets...really!

Samuel whined, cried, and fussed from the moment he got out of bed at 6:30am....the morning tv show, getting milk to drink, Daddy being at Bible study, and what to have for breakfast!

Did I mention that all of this happened in 20 minutes!!! 

So, I am hitting the reset button.  I am choosing to be happy despite washing sheets at 7am.  I am choosing to be pleasant and kind to Samuel despite his less than enjoyable attitude.  I am choosing not to be snippy.  At my Bible study yesterday, the moms were encouraged to clothe ourselves in dignity, strength, goodness, self-control, patience, kindness, peace, and joy.  I plan to at least entertain putting on these articles of clothing today and maybe even wear them for parts of my day.  Dare I think I could possibly wear something...just one thing...on this list all day!  That is my prayer for myself this morning.

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
   she can laugh at the days to come.
 She speaks with wisdom,
   and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 
Proverbs 31:25-26

Monday, October 24, 2011

Emma's big weekend Part Two

Emma wanted to get her ears pierced 6 weeks ago when her best friend did.  At the time the answer had to be no.  Newly pierced ears need earrings and earrings are a no-no during gymnastics competitions.  I was off the hook and thought maybe Emma would forget about it.

There would be no such thing.  Emma has talked about having pierced ears regularly since September.  She kind of counted down the days to the last meet.  That was on Saturday and Sunday would be the day....October 22!  Emma's BFF, Ashlynn, came with us and we had such a fun time.

Emma's last picture with un-pierced ears
These two girls have been best friends since they were three years old.  More than half their young lives they have been friends.  I think it is so wonderful.  They never stopped talking and giggling!

We went to Claire's for the big event.  Emma was so excited she was about the explode (this according to Drew).  She was not nervous.  I held her hands and she did not even flinch.  She said "that hurt" after the first ear and nothing after the second ear was pierced.  So brave she was!!!  She picked diamonds (fake of course) because they are a girls best friend!  The girls were also allowed to pick out a small item as a treat.  Why the picked glasses I have no idea, but they look darling. 
Tiny, but pierced!
After the "trauma" of ear piercing, we went to Tutti Fruiti for frozen yogurt...yum!  Emma had a way bigger amount than normal, but it was her big day!  I just love this picture of Emma and Ashlynn eating and gabbing!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Emma's big weekend Part One

This weekend was huge for Emma.  She had her last gymnastics competition on Saturday.  She got her ears pierced today (more on that tomorrow).  Actually, it was a big weekend for me and Drew too!  Emma grew up before our eyes in two short days!!

Yesterday was the District Level 3 competition and Emma's team was first place small team!  They all did so well.  Emma had her best floor routine and did well on the other events as well. 

When Emma first realized that she would have to compete in front of other people and be judged, she did not think this was her thing.  We talked tons about this being for her and her team...not for the judges and the people watching.  Lots of prayers have been said other the past months asking for Emma to have the courage to be strong and to rely on God for her strength when nervous.  These things combined with lots and lots of practice really paid off for Emma yesterday.  She did not earn a "10", but she was perfect.  She met her goals, worked hard for herself, and her team.  I could not have been more proud of her.

I honestly was not sure if Emma would survive the season.  I did not see the inner strength and competitiveness needed for this sport.  I supported and encouraged her every step of the way, but secretly wondered.  Could she do it?  Would she do it?  Would it be enough?  Emma proved me WRONG in so many ways over the past four meets.  She is stronger than I thought, more competitive than I ever imagined, and a quiet team leader.  She leads by example with her words and her actions.  Emma is amazing.

For a girl who did not think she would like to compete, she told me yesterday that she was said it was the last meet.  Go figure!  I am so proud of her I could truly burst!!!
Emma, Coach Ana, Tara, Carmen, and Raegan
Emma and Coach Ana

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Budding Gymnasts

Emma and Jonah began attending a gymnastics class in 2008.  Fast forward three almost four years later and they are both on the competitive teams.  Emma is completing her first competitive season and has enjoyed it.  Jonah will begin competing in December.

I must say that my children are so cute in the "outfits".  Jonah received his singlet and shorts about two weeks ago.  When he tried it on, I almost died laughing at his reaction to wearing a leotard-like outfit.  His voice was so high as he expressed his opinion.  It was something like "I am not going to wear this.  It looks like Emma's leotards.  What is this?  I can't wear this!"  He went on and on.  I laughed more and more.  I am laughing now just thinking about it!

Well, he is used to it now and looks so handsome.   I asked him to pose for a picture before Thursday's practice and I got this....

He is such a ham!
So, I asked for a more normal pose and I got this....

What am I going to do with him?
Then I took a picture of Emma and Jonah.

Don't they look great!

Friday, October 21, 2011

No naps for me says Samuel

A few weeks ago Samuel declared quite emphatically that he no longer took naps.  I was a little shocked and honestly, saddened by this news.  I love my sweet boy, but I also really like an hour or so to myself in the afternoon.  I get tons of stuff accomplished.

Well, Samuel was serious and he does not nap.  Thankfully, he has been very cheerful and pleasant all the way to bedtime.  He still naps at school three days a week.  I think this is a blessing!

Today as I was getting ready to head to bus stop to pick up Emma and Jonah, I found Samuel sleeping on the couch.  I woke him and told him where I was going.  He sat up and opted to stay home to "rest".  I forgot Elena's shoes so back we came and I found this...

I think he was tired!  To the bus stop I went and when I got back I found this....

He was so asleep and just so cute!  I let him sleep for a minute, but we had to go to the gym.  He was not a happy camper when I woke him.  I think he just may need to nap more than he thinks!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Two Things for Thursday

Now that Emma, Jonah, and Samuel are in school at least three days a week, I got lots of one-on-one time with Elena.  She is such an easy, peasy little girl and we generally have lots of fun together.  So yesterday...

1.  She let me do this to her hair and she looked so precious!  Oh my pigtails and not yet two!!!!

2.  Today I decided we would go for a run after dropping off Samuel at school.  Elena loves the stroller telling me how fun it is every time she rides in it.  It was cold (by Houston standards) this morning so I bundled her up in blankets.  I started out in a light jacket, but ditched that after one mile.  I also wore a hand band because it was so windy and I knew my ears would ache.  It was a good choice!  Elena and I finished 7 stroller miles in 1:03.33 and I was so proud of myself.  I know pushing her will make me a stronger runner!  Elena barely made a peak the entire run....she was awesome!
Pre-run picture

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday's Picture(s)

 Samuel and Elena playing outside enjoying our first real fall day!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Look what I got!

I am happy to say that I am now the proud owner of a treadmill!  Yes, I know this is not exciting to most people, but I am thrilled.  I can now sleep in some days because I can run whenever I want or rather when time allows.  I can run at night.  I can simulate hills.  Oh, the possibilities are so exciting!

Isn't it pretty and big?
I have run on it three times and so far so good.  This mornings run was a great example of what I expect will happen on future daytime runs.  I got up and ran three miles.  I got off and helped Emma get ready for school.  Off she went for her third running club experience (she likes it!).  I hopped back on for another mile.  Off I got again and finished getting Jonah ready for school and to the bus.  Finally, back to the treadmill for my last two miles.  Samuel rode his "exercise bike" which you can kind of see in the picture.  I enjoyed the company and completed my goal of 6 miles! 

Oh, the life of a running mom and I loved every minute of it!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011


I had the awesome pleasure of visiting with four of my wonderful friends this week.  That is a lot for me in one week and I am overjoyed about this!  I walked, I ran, and I sat all while getting to catch up with my friends and each visit was great!

I was thinking about how strange an occurrence this is and thought that was so sad.  We were created to be in fellowship with other people.  I believe that people need other people to thrive emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  God did not put us on earth to go at it alone.  So why is it hard to make time to be with my friends?

I am finding that the older my children get the harder it is to make time for friends.  I thought life got easier when babies became toddlers and toddlers preschoolers and so on.  I guess that is not the case.  My schedules and my friend's schedules so rarely coordinate that I think this week is truly a gift.

I feel very blessed to know that my friends are still there for me and me for them even if we don't "talk" for a few weeks.  I think our friendships have a strong root system and small periods of no interaction do not have a negative impact.  I keep wondering about root systems because we are in the middle of a horrible drought.  Every where I look I see dead trees right next to trees that are green.  I would think all die or all live especially when planted next to each other. 

Could my friendships "die" that easily?  Could I underestimate the strength of a friendship?  It is possible, but I plan to water my friendships regularly to keep them alive.  I need to schedule more weeks like this.  Weeks filled with time with my friends so I feel watered as well as my friendships.  I would rather have thriving friendships and dirty dishes in the sink!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three Things....

The Race - Well, the 10 for Texas is over and it was the tale of two races.  The first half was great.  I ran on pace and felt really good.  The second half was a struggle and I had to fight for every step or so it seemed.  My legs felt heavy, the humidity was bothering me, and the miles ticked by every so more slowly.  I never gave up.  I never walked.  I never ran over a 9 minute mile.  I finished strong.  It was not my day, but I pushed myself and I am proud of that.  So, what happened...

The Bug - It invaded our house on Saturday morning.  Elena was awake when I was preparing to leave for the race because she had vomited.  I realize now that my stomach hurt on Friday and some during the race.  It hurt off and on until Monday afternoon when IT hit full force!  Drew and Emma suffered from IT as well.  Samuel has been spared the most...what a lucky boy!  We are all finally feeling better.  Everyone except Elena even ate dinner last night for the first time in days.  Yeah us!!  Despite feeling sick and especially Drew on Sunday afternoon, what did we do....

The Party - We went to a birthday party for a two year old girl.  Elena was invited to her first birthday party and I was so excited for her.  A party for two year olds is a funny thing.  Two year olds don't really play with one another.  They play around one another so it was interesting, but exciting at the same time.  It is nice for Elena to be able to play with little ones her age!  Every child enjoys a party so the kids enjoyed themselves!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's Picture

This is what happens when mommy is too sick to take care of Elena.....

She falls asleep on the floor next to the bed where mommy is sleeping!

Do I win mommy of the year for this?

Good grief!

Thankfully daddy came home to rescue us all!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Bug

Ugh....our house has been invaded by the most unwelcomed guest ever!  Every person in this house has been so lucky (not really) to have caught a nasty GI bug.

Jonah started it.

Elena decided she did not want to miss out on the fun.

Emma joined in the dance as well followed by Samuel, Drew, and lastly me.

We are all so lucky...NOT!

I would like to un-invite this bug from our house.  We do not appreciate your untimely visit and you can go now!

The mom of the house who needs to feel better pronto!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Three Things....

The Family Room - The fireplace is finished except the mantle.  The cabinet installation has started.  Does it seem that this project will not end...YES!  I am hoping that the shelves will be installed and good to go by Sunday night.  I think it is possible. We have decided that we are going to have a stone mantle so now we have to schedule Dennis, our mason, to come back to do it.  Hopefully that can happen sooner rather than later.  I am really just wanting to get my house back.  I am going a little crazy looking at everything out of place!

A Big Decision - I had to make a big decision this week.  I can't share what about just yet!  I was super close to saying no, but God puts people and things on my path of life that encouraged me to say YES!  As my sister and a devotion that I read said, "God equips the called!"  Let's hope they are both right....that is what having faith is, right?

10 for Texas - I am running a 10 mile race on Saturday, the 10 for Texas.  It is in The Woodlands.  This will be the first time I run in The Woodlands, which I think is funny.  It is so close.  Since I started actually thinking about this race and "training" for it a month ago, I have run 113 miles, run twice over 10 miles, and completed 6 days of speed work.  So, why do I not feel prepared?  I am nervous about the weather (it is going to be humid).  My hip still hurts some, but not a lot.  It was great on my 9 mile run on Sunday so that is positive!  My foot is still bothersome.  I have taken lots of steps to remedy that problem and I hope it works!  I think it is time I decide on my goal for this race.  What am I waiting is less than 48 hours to start time!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday's Picture

Emma joined the Running Club at Haude.  I am such a proud mommy who runs!  I had to get her this shirt!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I am not a big fan of the zoo, but my kiddos love it.  I could look at all the animals in about 30 minutes and be ready to go.  Saturday we were at the zoo for five hours!  Granted, some of that time was spent eating, visiting with Drew co-workers (Swift's annual company picnic is at the Houston Zoo), and getting little body parts painted.  Still, five hours is a long time for me to be at the zoo.  Thankfully, I had the pleasure of watching four adorable faces light up in amazement at the crazy animals all day long.  It was worth being there for so long.

Elena, who slept through most of our visit to the zoo last year, spent most of the day with this look on her face...absolutely precious!  She also said good-bye to every animal.

Face painting was fun for the boys.  They wanted dinosaurs, but I think they looked a little like alligators.  They are very ferocious!

The girls got their arms painted.  Elena was in awe of this new thing known as painting on the body!

I liked taking pictures with the animal statues and cut-outs!  Samuel enjoyed talking about the animal poop all morning.  He said the word 9 times in the first 20 minutes!  It was very funny!!

The carousel was a big hit.  Unfortunately I could not get any pictures of Emma and Jonah because of where they were riding.
It was a glorious day.  Sweatshirts were needed in the morning...shock I know! We did have a wonderful time and we had some very tired kiddos at the end of the day!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Birthday Party (s)

Jonah is one lucky 6 year old because he had two birthday parties!  On his actual birthday the poor sweet boy did not feel well.  Thankfully his ice cream cake was so yummy that I enjoyed enough for him!!

Jonah received lots of fun and thoughtful gifts and cards from our loving family.  I do think he was most excited to receive his waterproof watch.  Jonah asked for one all summer.  He has not taken it off since he opened it!

This past Friday we had a birthday party with Jonah's friends.  Our theme was FOOTBALL!  We asked each guests to wear a jersey or sports shirt.  Everyone looked so cute...even our awesome friends (the parents).  Our original plan was a no go, so we decided to have it at the park in our subdivision.  It was perfect!  The weather was cooler than 100 degrees.  The boys and girls loved playing at the park.  Because the park is nice, but not amazing, the kids played football with the dads.  Well, they kind of played football.  It was more like throw the ball around and run, but everyone had fun.

Jonah finally had his tacos (he was not feeling well enough to have them on his birthday).  The cake was super cute and most of it was eaten...thank goodness!

It was a wonderful, carefree party.  We and Jonah are so blessed to have wonderful friends!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Being Thankful

The Mom's group at our church has a 15 week challenged entitled "From Stressed to Blessed".  This week's challenge is to list 25 things I am thankful for and to try to add at least five things to that list daily.  So, here is my list:

1.  Drew who works so hard and loves us all so much
2.  Emma who is so helpful and loving
3.  Jonah who is crazy, loving, and fun
4.  Samuel who is a pickle, but I love him dearly
5.  Elena who is so sweet and a joy to watch learn something new each day
6.  My family not listed
7.  My friends near and far
8.  The recent cooler weather
9.  Hot chocolate...yum!
10.  Sweaters
11.  Hair color...could not survive without it
12.  My clean kitchen because nothing else is clean at the moment
13.  The smells of fall
14.  Homemade soup
15.  College football
16.  Going to the zoo yesterday...tons of fun!
17.  Getting my treadmill
18.  My church and the wonderful people that serve
19.  Running
20.  My fun E-bands
21.  When my children are in bed and I get some quiet time
22.  Watching Emma and Jonah learn and perform their gymnastics skills
23.  Emma, Jonah, and Samuel's school teachers
24.  The devotions I receive online each morning
25.  Ice cream and milkshakes
26.  Grocery shopping without children
27.  Watching the earth come "alive" as I run in the mornings
28.  Playing outside with my kiddos when it is not 100 degrees
29.  My DVR or I would never get to watch television
30.  The pictures Kelsey takes of my kiddos