To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Three Things...

The Family Room - I am trying very hard to be happy with the progress in the family room, but I am not sure how successful I am being.  When Drew and I first discussed and planned the project, Halloween was the goal date for completion.  Well, Halloween is Monday and the room will not be finished.  Our to do list includes:

new carpet to be ordered and installed (not by us!)
baseboards to be purchased, cut, painted, and installed
crown molding (same as above)
window sill and trim (same as above except Drew has to make the window sill)
paint parts of the ceiling
install and wire all the ceiling lights
finish all the stuff needed for the new tv (I am not sure what all this is.  I just know it is a lot of stuff.)
install two new doors
and who knows what else I am forgetting

Don't get me wrong.  Drew is working very hard to get tasks accomplished.  I help when I can.  I just need them to be finished sooner, which is not going to happen.  So, I guess I get to practice being patient!

Decorating - So, despite being frustrated with an incomplete room, what is done looks great!  Today Samuel and I put out some fall decorations.  I am hoping the helps me and my negative attitude!
My new mantle
Finally Doors - Yes, we have doors on the one side of the cabinets.  Unfortunately, I already put most of the games on those shelves so I can't put too much other stuff away.  At least now I can't see the games and puzzles.  Oh, the doors look really good!

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