I am happy to say that I am now the proud owner of a treadmill! Yes, I know this is not exciting to most people, but I am thrilled. I can now sleep in some days because I can run whenever I want or rather when time allows. I can run at night. I can simulate hills. Oh, the possibilities are so exciting!
Isn't it pretty and big? |
I have run on it three times and so far so good. This mornings run was a great example of what I expect will happen on future daytime runs. I got up and ran three miles. I got off and helped Emma get ready for school. Off she went for her third running club experience
(she likes it!). I hopped back on for another mile. Off I got again and finished getting Jonah ready for school and to the bus. Finally, back to the treadmill for my last two miles. Samuel rode his "exercise bike" which you can kind of see in the picture. I enjoyed the company and completed my goal of 6 miles!
Oh, the life of a running mom and I loved every minute of it!
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