To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Three Things....

The Family Room - The fireplace is finished except the mantle.  The cabinet installation has started.  Does it seem that this project will not end...YES!  I am hoping that the shelves will be installed and good to go by Sunday night.  I think it is possible. We have decided that we are going to have a stone mantle so now we have to schedule Dennis, our mason, to come back to do it.  Hopefully that can happen sooner rather than later.  I am really just wanting to get my house back.  I am going a little crazy looking at everything out of place!

A Big Decision - I had to make a big decision this week.  I can't share what about just yet!  I was super close to saying no, but God puts people and things on my path of life that encouraged me to say YES!  As my sister and a devotion that I read said, "God equips the called!"  Let's hope they are both right....that is what having faith is, right?

10 for Texas - I am running a 10 mile race on Saturday, the 10 for Texas.  It is in The Woodlands.  This will be the first time I run in The Woodlands, which I think is funny.  It is so close.  Since I started actually thinking about this race and "training" for it a month ago, I have run 113 miles, run twice over 10 miles, and completed 6 days of speed work.  So, why do I not feel prepared?  I am nervous about the weather (it is going to be humid).  My hip still hurts some, but not a lot.  It was great on my 9 mile run on Sunday so that is positive!  My foot is still bothersome.  I have taken lots of steps to remedy that problem and I hope it works!  I think it is time I decide on my goal for this race.  What am I waiting is less than 48 hours to start time!

1 comment:

  1. Just remember - "God equips the called" in all areas. You will be great in the race this weekend.
