To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Three Things....

The Race - Well, the 10 for Texas is over and it was the tale of two races.  The first half was great.  I ran on pace and felt really good.  The second half was a struggle and I had to fight for every step or so it seemed.  My legs felt heavy, the humidity was bothering me, and the miles ticked by every so more slowly.  I never gave up.  I never walked.  I never ran over a 9 minute mile.  I finished strong.  It was not my day, but I pushed myself and I am proud of that.  So, what happened...

The Bug - It invaded our house on Saturday morning.  Elena was awake when I was preparing to leave for the race because she had vomited.  I realize now that my stomach hurt on Friday and some during the race.  It hurt off and on until Monday afternoon when IT hit full force!  Drew and Emma suffered from IT as well.  Samuel has been spared the most...what a lucky boy!  We are all finally feeling better.  Everyone except Elena even ate dinner last night for the first time in days.  Yeah us!!  Despite feeling sick and especially Drew on Sunday afternoon, what did we do....

The Party - We went to a birthday party for a two year old girl.  Elena was invited to her first birthday party and I was so excited for her.  A party for two year olds is a funny thing.  Two year olds don't really play with one another.  They play around one another so it was interesting, but exciting at the same time.  It is nice for Elena to be able to play with little ones her age!  Every child enjoys a party so the kids enjoyed themselves!

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