To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Colorado pictures I missed

Here is a sampling of my favorites that did not make it into the other Colorado posts!

We played lots of games with the favorite being "Set".  This game is lots of fun for everyone and I highly recommend it!

The kids and I had a picnic lunch on Monday on the lovely side deck.  I indulged their requests and made pizza and let them have soda.  We did have some fruit too!

I just love this picture of Jonah holding his skis!  He is just the cutest 6 year old ever!

Samuel snuggled with me after returning from skiing on Tuesday.  He was so tired and I enjoyed every minute of this!

Yes, this is a bear rug and it was in my and Drew's bedroom.  The house owner shot it and had this made.  Elena was completely freaked out by it the first time she saw it.  Samuel was a little unsure himself.  As the days passed both became more comfortable with this rug.  I, of course, had to have a picture of them sitting on it!

This bear statue was in Beaver Creek Village and Samuel liked it.  I think his expression in this picture is so funny!
 We went swimming at the hotel pool.  The water was super cold which is why Emma is wearing her ski coat over her bathing suit.  Elena was just cute sitting all wrapped up on the chair. 

So, there you go...all the pictures fit for posting.  There are many more, but these were just my favorites.  It was definitely a vacation of a lifetime.  I feel quite blessed to have shared these days with my family and to have made wonderful memories.

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