So here is a shock...I have some things to say about my marathon on Saturday. I know you are shocked, but read on because they are funny!
1. I have had a little cold all week. My nose is stuffed and I have had a killer headache most days. It is making me nervous that I don't feel my best. My solution has been many things including baby nose saline. I need to apologize to all my children now for spraying that stuff in their sweet little baby noses. My goodness! It works to get things flowing and I now swear by it. However, my sweet non-communicative babies probably thought I was trying to torture them! I am sorry Emma, Jonah, Samuel, and Elena for "torturing" you with baby saline!
2. My playlist is complete and I am so excited about it. I have some new songs thanks to my friends. My outfit is still in limbo thanks to the weather forecast. It has been cold (by Texas standards) every weekend of my training cycle. This weekend...not so much....oh joy! I have one more day to decide...
3. I had my first marathon nightmare last night. I dreamed that I left my race number with Drew. I borrowed someone's phone to call him, but the phone did not work properly. It was an old looking cell phone and when I pressed a button for "1" a different number would come up. It was like a puzzle that I had to solve. Which button was really for which number. It totally freaked me out and made me more nervous for Saturday. Drew's assures me that he won't let me forget my race number. I don't think I will at this point either.
Don't doubt yourself!!! Your strength is amazing. You are prepared. Just trust in yourself as much as we all do.