To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Friday, June 29, 2012

The end of soccer season

Samuel's first season playing soccer has ended.  It was a bumpy ride, but it ended on a high note.  Samuel liked practice.  It was organized, controlled, and made sense to him.  The games were kind of like rugby scrum and Samuel was unsure what to do.  By the end of the season he followed the ball and occasionally was brave enough to kick the ball!  It was progress.

Samuel's team did have some good players.  They were a little older and had played other seasons of soccer.  Overall, I think Samuel enjoyed himself. 

The last game of the season was the divisional championship game and Samuel's team WON!  It was a total shock, but very fun for Samuel.  All he really wanted during the season was a medal.  Well, on that last day he got a medal and a team trophy.  He was one happy little boy!

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