To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Football and Running

My goodness this week went fast.  I thought Saturday would never arrive with Drew being out of town, but the week flew by!

Today was my first run with my new running buddy, M.  M is generally a much faster runner than I am so this pairing is going to be great for me.  I need the push to go faster and challenge myself.  I met JM at her house at 6:30 and we headed out on 5.3 mile run.  I was hoping to go longer today, but M was in need of a shorter run.  It was the fastest 45 minutes of chatting, running, chatting, and running.  It was relatively cool and an overall great run!  We are hoping to run together one a week.  M is even considering the Seawall half in November...we shall see.

Of course with today being Saturday, there was lots of college football to be watched.  PSU won 24-0!  It was a no nothing opponent, but after last week a win is a win. 
JoePa's shoes...they are great!

I have saved the best thing about my day for sweet Elena Joy is 9 months old today!

She is just so beautiful and we love her so much!!!!  I have loved every minute of being her mommy!!

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