To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I know I am a runner because...

If you know me, you know that I really dislike rain. I would use the word hate, but I really don't like that word.  Rain means you can't play outside.  It means dirty floors, a smelly dog, damp everything, and energy-filled children trapped in a house.

We are currently being hammered with rain thanks to tropical storm Hermine (I think that is the name).  So, when I got up this morning at 5:30a to go running, I checked the radar.  Nothing in site so I was clear to run.  Off I went and I was feeling really good.  About 8 minutes into the run it started raining.  Rain is one thing, but this was more like a deluge.  So what did I do....I kept running away from my house!  I figured I was already went and was going to get wetter so I should at least go to the one mile mark.  I did, turned around, and headed for home.  My three miles turned into two.  Considering it rained almost the entire rest of the day and is still raining, I am thankful for my two miles.

I realized running in the rain that I am a real runner in my mind at least!  Thankfully I don't have to test my "runner status" in the snow!!

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