To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day in pictures

We had a wonderful Christmas Day.  The kiddos (except for Elena) woke a little after 7am and they let Drew and I sleep until 8am.  That was definitely a present to mommy and daddy!   We finished making breakfast, read our last Jesse Tree devotion and the Christmas story in Luke, opened our presents from Kelsey and Scott, and Elena was still sleeping.  We finally woke her a little after 9am and got the day rolling.

Our day was filled with eating, opening presents, ohh's and ahh's, laughter, tears, phone calls, skyping and so much fun!
Santa came!
Our tree before the madness began

Santa gave Emma Monopoly
Elena could not stop walking for even a second in her new Elmo slippers.  Thanks Aunt Kelsey

Jonah loving his new Nerf laser gun from Santa. 

Samuel got one too!  Thanks Santa!!

Elena playing with her baby accessories from Santa
Christmas Breakfast
Opening their Matchbox race tracks
Loving her Aqua doodle
Emma and Jonah love it too!
Paper Jams guitar concert
What is this?
A pull up bar....YES!
This is all too much...I can't take it says Samuel!
Samuel recovered quickly and loved his new aircraft carrier!
Opening their new Match Box car race tracks
A homemade eggnog break...notice some mustaches!

Yuengling barely survived and needed cuddle time with her daddy!
The pillow pets were loved immediately!
The aftermath
Lots of wrapping paper
We ended our day by lighting our Advent Wreath

We hope your day was as much fun as ours!  Merry Christmas!

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