To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Being Thankful in Review

For most of the month of November (I missed the last two days), I wrote on Facebook my thankful thought for the day.  Honestly, it was just one thing I picked because I am thankful for many things each day.  I really enjoyed re-reading all of them.  It reminded me that I had a great month.  I was sad, inspired, overjoyed, happy, content, and busy!  I really need to do this every month so I remember that I have lots and lots to be thankful for each day.
November 1:  Starting today and the rest of the month of November... my status will be one thing I am THANKFUL for! It is the month of Thanksgiving so who's going to join me? We can all find one thing a day that you are thankful for...Today, I am thankful a fun evening and great discussion with friends!
November 2:  Today I am thankful for the voices of 8 children (4 mine, 4 friends) who played at our house this afternoon! I love hearing happy children playing!!
November 3:  Today I am thankful that I took the time to cook with Samuel and Elena! Memories are more important than the mess!!!
November 4:  Today I am thankful that I am able to volunteer at Emma and Jonah's school!
November 5:  Today I am thankful for Kathryn! Your giving and loving heart is awesome. Emma had such a great afternoon...thank you!!!
November 6:  Today I am thankful for a wonderful message at church this morning! Here's to making the holidays full of holiness and love!!!
November 7:  I am thankful for MOMS at Champion Forest Baptist Church. I always feel inspired, renewed, and encouraged after our meetings!
November 8:  Today I am thankful that even after a 3 hour practice Emma still says, "Mom, I love gymnastics!"
November 9:  Today I am thankful that my four sweet kiddos are just that....sweet and innocent! They are blissfully unaware of all the awfulness that occurs in this world and I hope I can protect them from it for a long time to come!
November 10:  Today I am thankful for the moon (yes it was a tough day)! It is absolutely tonight and Samuel's response to seeing it was precious...."that is awesome mommy!"
November 11:  Today I am beyond THANKFUL for the men and women who are and who did so bravely serve, fight, and protect this country and others around the world. I am also thankful for their families and their sacrifices.
November 12:  Today I am so very Thankful for the awesome display of sportsmanship, kindness, great humanity, and love before the Penn State game today!!! It brought me to tears!!! There has never been a better display of inspiring behavior before a football game! Penn State is great university and I am so proud of the players, fans, and community! Nebraska players were great today too (a little too! We Are...PENN STATE!!!!
November 13:  Today I am thankful for Emma and Jonah's Sunday School leader, Mrs. Michelle! Jonah talked about the "rose prayer" so much today. It makes my heart happy to know that he is learning so much about the power of prayer!
November 14:  Today I am thankful for Drew. There was too many reasons to list, but at the moment I am super thankful for all the hard work he is doing to try to get our family room finished! We are almost there! Love you Drew!!!
November 15:  Today I am thankful for my sweet Elena. I love her sassy spunk, sweet voice, loving heart, curly hair, and well just everything! Today she would not fall asleep for her nap so I had the wonderful pleasure of rocking her to sleep. I have not done this in forever and it was such a great moment for me! I can't believe my baby is almost two!
November 16:  Today I am thankful that I am feeling better. A low key day is a good thing!
November 17:  Today I am thankful for our pediatrician. I love her and am so thankful she cares for my kids. I am hoping the antibiotics work quickly so sweet Elena can feel better!
November 18:  Today I am thankful for my crazy, sweet, silly, lovable Jonah! Tonight I was so proud to watch him at his first gymnastics meet and he did so well!
November 19:  Today I am thankful for my silly Samuel. The boy is so full of craziness and fun. I love to hear him laugh and I got to do that lots today!
November 20:  Today I am thankful that Kelsey, Scott, and the girls arrived safely! So looking forward to an awesome week!
November 21:  Today I am thankful for a productive day that seemed surprisingly must be all the help with Scott and Kelsey here!
November 22:  Today I am thankful for all the crafts Kelsey did with the kids. The had fun and I got to supervise instead of be the lead crafter!
November 23:  Today I am thankful for all the fun Kelsey and I had baking and cooking! Tomorrow is going to be yummy!
November 24:  Today I have too many things to list on my thankful list. I am blessed more than I deserve!
November 25:  Today I am thankful for Emma and Maya's creativity. The planned, organized, and put on a carnival for Hanna and the other kids. The games and puppet show were enjoyed by all!
November 26:  Today I am thankful for a wonderful time shopping with Kelsey in basically empty stores and getting to decorate with her help too! It was a tiring and fun day!
November 27:  Today I am thankful for an awesome Thanksgiving vacation. I am sad that school and routine return tomorrow!
November 28:  Today I am thankful for a great visit with Kelsey, Scott, Maya, Hanna, and Leah. I am also super happy we could celebrate Hanna's 5th birthday today! I am so sad they are leaving in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the tears . . . We are so thankful for you, Drew, Emma, Jonah, Samuel, and Elena! How blessed we are to have your love, support, and (sometimes) pure honesty everyday. We love you guys!
