We had a wonderfully relaxing day! We began the day reading Day 24 from our Jesse Tree devotion, played, rested, built gingerbread houses, and prepared for church.
On Christmas Eve we attend the Family Service at 5pm and the Traditional Service at 7p. This year Emma and Jonah participated in the Choir Camp Musical. For the month of December they attended camp each Wednesday evening. They had a lot of fun and at the end of the month, they knew many songs and a chime/bell song each. They both performed well tonight!
Jonah with his sheep ears waiting to sing! |
Emma waiting her turn to sing! |
Also during the Family Service, the Christmas Story is told while the children participate as the actors. Samuel decided he wanted to be an angel and he was.
My "angel" Samuel |
After church, we headed home to open one gift and to prepare for Santa's arrival. On Christmas Eve, Drew and I give the kiddos a new pair of pajamas. Our choices were big hits this year and they all look precious in their camera ready pj's!
All ready for bed! |
As for Santa, Emma wrote a letter to Santa. They prepared a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Of course, even in the rain, they sprinkled reindeer food. We also tracked Santa's journey on NORAD Santa. As soon as he traveled to Canada we told them that Santa was getting close and it was time for bed!
We did have a special visitor prior to bed. It scared Elena and resulted in some quick tears. She warmed up quickly and even talked to our visitor!
Elena refused to sit on Santa's lap again |
Twas the Night before Christmas . . . Love to all!