1. All my Christmas cards are in the mail as of today! This is a huge task and I am so thankful it is over. The pictures are amazing as always...thank you Kelsey! I tallied our mailing this year and the totals are kind of fun useless information. We mailed cards to 15 states with Texas and Pennsylvania having the highest tallies. This is a little sneak peek of what will soon be arriving in your mailbox!
2. Besides baking Drew's cake yesterday, I also had to finish decorating chocolate peppermint cupcakes for Golden Gathering. GG is a respite program held every third Thursday at our church. Since I enjoy baking I usually volunteer to take a dessert. Don't these look delicious!
It was yummy! |
3. Today the baking madness continues. Samuel, Elena, and I are going to bake sugar cookies and cranberry chocolate chip cookies. We will be taking the yummy sugar cookies to Samuel's Holiday Sing-a-long tonight. He is super excited!
Hanna's response to the cupcake: "What is that Mommy, and how do I get one?" I think we might be making some soon!