To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Monday, February 27, 2012

MT: It is over!

I truly cannot believe it, but I only have two more runs and my training will be finished.  I guess the Post title is a little misleading, but running 4 miles on Wednesday and 2 miles on Friday does not really count as training.  It is more like releasing nervous energy.

So, with that said, I ran 30 miles last easy peasy at this point.  I dare say that I miss running more mileage.

My plan for this week is to take it easy when running.  I also have planned a light week at home too.  Who knows what my house will look like come Saturday!!  Basically I have to try from going nuts with anticipation, nervousness, excitement, etc!

Wow...5 days until I am standing in Corral A!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! Your strength to fulfill goals is amazing. Go get them in Corral A!
