1. Last week Jonah had croup and a fever for several days. He still has an occasional cough, but he is feeling much better. So far everyone has escaped the horrible wrath of THE VIRUS except me!
2. I started feeling kind of yucky Sunday morning. I was achy, tired, and just feeling off. I ran and probably should not have run. I fear it kicked THE VIRUS into overdrive. By Sunday night I felt like total junk and just muddled through Monday. By Monday night I barely made it to bed alive and I did not leave my bed until lunch time on Tuesday. I hung out with Samuel on the couch for the rest of the day (Elena was napping). I was totally worthless....fever, aches, chills, cough, runny nose. You name it and I probably had it.
Because of THE VIRUS, I have not run since Sunday. Monday was optional so that was okay. Tuesday and Wednesday were scheduled running days, but I stayed in bed. I barely missed running (shock!)! My body ached more from being sick than it did after my 20 mile run.
3. While I was stuck in bed, Drew stayed home from work. He did not have a choice. I was incapable of caring for Samuel and Elena. I was/am so thankful that Drew gets the big picture. We are a family first and support each other. Samuel, Elena, and I needed him and he knew it. I was/am so thankful that Drew's boss gets that big picture too! What do moms and dads without this kind of support do?
I am hoping I can breathe clearly today. I am hoping my voice returns today. I am hoping I can run today. I am hoping that no one else catches THE VIRUS! I am officially evicting it from our home!
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