Off I went at 7:30a all bundled up ready for 3+ hours of running. My legs felt really tired so I kept my mind busy with praying and scripture. I was all about avoiding how tired I felt and how cold I was.
Life got easier and the miles starting passing quite quickly. I felt like I could run 22 with no problems until mile 13. I was putting my glove back on when everything changed. I had stopped watching the ground because of messing with my glove. I fell and I fell hard. My hands were busy and there was nothing to brace my fall. I remember my knee hitting the road and hearing my head bonk hard on the road.
I hardly remember anything I think about when I run, but I remember everything that went through my head in that 30 second span.
What happened?
Oh, my knee. It is bleeding and my freaking pants ripped!
My head is killing me, but there is no blood. That is good.
I better get up.
Oh, my hat flew off too...awesome!
I need to call Drew. I can't call Drew. I don't have my phone and he is at church.
What am I going to do?
Well, I should stretch my hip. It was hurting before I fell (so I did).
Now, what. It is a 2.5 mile walk home.
I have at least 7 more mile to run. I should just run.
Sh** my knee and head hurt. Oh, my hands hurt too...gross more blood on my pinkie.
I can do this. You got this. Just run and run fast.
So I started running and way faster than I planned. I ached, I was bleeding, and I was mad. I knew if I stopped running to walk it would hurt more. I knew if I tried to run later I would hurt too much. I knew it was now or never and I picked now. Every step hurt. Every step got harder, but I repeated scripture and listened to my music. It carried through until I reached home. I ran 21 miles and 8 miles after my fall.
I did not know if I could run the entire marathon until today. I did not know if I would be mentally tough enough. Would I keep on running when it hurt? I know after today that I will. No muscle pain will feel as bad as the pain I experienced today. Unless I fall during the marathon, it won't be a mentally challenging as today. Today was HARD! I pushed on...I was "strong and courageous and my work was rewarded!" (Chronicles 15:7) God is faithful!
My injury tally is a goose egg on my left eyebrow and it is so sore. My left knee is quite scraped and cut. It hurts and also has a big bump on it. Both my palms are scraped, but were saved by my gloves. My left pinkie is cut and still bleeding occasionally. I have a scrape/rash burn like thing on my left shoulder. I obviously fell on my left side (for some reason I just now realizing this). My pants ripped and I threw them in the trash. I am thankful for all my layers. I truly believe that they saved me from further injury.
The verse I was memorizing today is "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 41:31) Truly that is the only way I made it home today!
Wow, glad you're ok. I was sore for a good couple of days. Hope you feel lots better soon! -- Momswimbikerun (don't ask why it says winkley)