To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Monday, February 6, 2012

MT: Recap Week Twelve

Wow!  I will be running my first marathon in less than one month...I am nervous!

It is also a good thing I have one month remaining to train.  This past week was not so hot.  I was quite sick early in the week and missed two scheduled running days.  I also felt like junk on two days that I did run and only close to normal on the third day.  Yep, I only ran three days last week.  I have no idea when I last ran only three days in one week.  Granted, in those three days I ran 30.2 miles so the week was not a total failure.

The Simulator that I wrote about yesterday went well.  My coach had great words of encouragement for me after the that!

"You did that on tired legs after being sick. Trust that the taper will refuel you to be able to hold that pace. And if you get to the start and want to be more conservative, that's fine too, but you are capable. Believe it!"

This next month will be nothing but positive thinking and fueling for me.  I will not be reading any recap's of another person's marathon experience.  I want this experience to be my experience.  I have read enough material at this point to feel confident in running well.  There will be more to learn after the race, but no more for me at the moment.

In addition to positive thinking, I am going to memorize (or do my best to memorize) 26.2 scriptures for my race.  For each mile, God will have a lovely piece of encouragement for me.  I wish I could take credit for this idea, but it is all Mile Posts!

Four weeks to go and my last high mileage week!

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