I run on the flattest streets ever paved. It is so flat and really quite boring. So, when I get the chance to run on hills (excluding the treadmill) I am in runner's heaven. I like the challenge. I like having to work harder when I am running. I love reaching the top knowing I have earned the downhill!
At Kelsey's last week I ran hills on three glorious days! I squeezed it into our already jammed packed schedule and it was worth it. I also ran with my favorite running partner...my brother-in-law Scott. We run similar paces and chat away miles quite quickly!
Our first hill run was 6.2 miles of serious climbs and few downhills. Aren't climbs supposed to have a downhill? I swear these just get flat at the top. We finished in 56:43 for an average pace of 9:09. I had not run hills since last October and that was just for one day. Either way I was proud of my effort.
My five mile recovery run was on hills. I knew it was to be an easy run, but I could not resist the hills again. I really need to move to the mountains or at least Austin...ha-ha! Anyway, I also had a hard time running at a recovery pace. Cooler weather agrees with me! My average pace for this run was 8:58.
My middle run was my dream run!! It was a tough 10 miler with five big uphills. The weather was perfect. The spring flowers smelled great. The blooming trees were beautiful. I had a feeling this would be a great run. My first mile was 8:54 and I decided right then and there that all my miles were going to be sub 9. I knew it would be hard, but I was feeling the challenge!
My first six miles were
At mile seven I finally reached totally flat territory and I could feel myself wanting to slow down. My legs had worked hard for 6 miles. Instead of quitting, I sped up and ran mile 7 in 8:19 and mile 8 in 8:22. Little rollers returned for the last mile and a half before a little downhill to the finish. I ran mile 9 in 8:32 and mile 10 in 8:39. I was tired during the last mile and just mentally willed my legs to keep moving forward.
I was elated when I finished in 1:26.32. My average pace for the run was 8:39!!! I had no fuel during this run...nothing to drink or eat for 10 miles. I only ate a banana before I ran. With proper race day preparations I am only going to be stronger and faster!
I have seven weeks before my half which has a tough bridge to climb. I know my plan will carry me to the finish STRONG! I know it will probably be hot (it will be June 2), but I am good with that. I live in Texas after all! I am GOALING BIG for this race!!
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