I try really, really hard to unschedule my kids. They are only allowed one activity in addition to school and church. Drew and I don't start them in activities at some crazy young age. We limit play dates because family time is important. But, I see this pattern developing of me over-scheduling me.
Last week I felt too busy and a little scattered all week. Those feeling make me tired and thus wanting to sleep more. That is no good because then I really battle to get up to run and we all know what happens when I don't run. Yes, I become one tired and cranky mommy!
I see the same pattern developing for this week and the week has barely begun. See what I mean...
Monday, I have MOMS group, a Session meeting, and Jonah has gymnastics.
Tuesday, Samuel has a dental appointment, Jonah is singing at school in the morning, Samuel is supposed to have a play date, and there is gymnastics in the afternoon.
Wednesday Jonah is singing again at school, Emma has a dental appointment, I have to make a dessert for a church event, and Drew has choir.
Thursday and Friday are pretty open except for gymnastics on Thursday.
Somewhere in this mess of a week, I have to find time to do the regular mommy things like cook, clean, play with my kids, and run. The end of the school year is always so busy hence the singing two days in a row. And, I do think each week is only going to get worse from now until May 31st (the glorious last day of school).
So, now I have to make tough decisions that annoy my sweet kiddos. I will only see Jonah sing one time this week...Wednesday. Thankfully, it will coordinate with getting Emma out early to go to the dentist. Tuesday's play date has to be on Thursday because the dental appointment must happen. That will make things more balanced for me and thus for everyone else as well.
But, things won't get accomplished with this much running around town. There will be little cleaning and organizing this week...boo! Laundry will probably not be folded in a timely manner. Dinners will be quick and easy, but still healthy...a must! There will be no staying at the gym to watch Emma and Jonah. All of that is a bummer because I crazily like all that stuff. However, there will still be running and lots of it!!
It is funny that I have been feeling out of whack and over-committed the past two weeks. God placed in front of me tonight a blog post from Women Living Well on time management...ha! My favorite part of the post was: "we should be praying "Thy will be done" not "my list be done"!! How is that for timely!!!
My pray is that I remember this all week long. God has a plan for each of my days and I just have to remember that each day. His Will will be done...not mine no matter how much I try. And, I must remember if I try too hard, I just become one tired, cranky, mean, unreasonable person because my plan inevitably will probably fail. That is not who I want to be this week. I am choosing right now to have a great week. I am choosing JOY for my week not frustration!
Great post Kortni... Makes me wonder how much better some of my weeks would go if I could remember "Thy will be done" as my prayer to start it off!!! Well done.