To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Speed work...yikes it's hard!

About six weeks ago I registered to run a half marathon in June.  I decided that I really want to run a fast half despite the possibility of hot temperatures.  That may be crazy especially given the conditions on Monday at the Boston Marathon, but I am sticking to my goal.  To help meet my goal I knew I had to incorporate speed work into my training.

My currently training plan holds progression runs, tempo runs, hill work, and good old-fashioned track work.  Well, track work completed on the treadmill. Still, I am now running 800 and 400 meter repeats.

To say this is challenging is an understatement.  Running long is not this immediately exhausting, but I am loving it.  I am thoroughly tired when I finish and my legs cry out each time I go up the stairs for the next few hours.  But, I am keeping on with my plan.  There is only one way to get fast and that is to run faster.

Last week I did four 800 meter repeats with an 800 rest in between the fast ones.  I ran a 7:30 mile pace and the last one was killer hard.  But, I felt good when I was finished.  I felt like I had accomplished something challenging and with relative success.  This week I did seven 400 meter repeats at a 7:24 mile pace with a 300 meter rest between each one.  I think I fell in love with 400 meter repeats today.  You run fast and it is over quickly.  A win-win for me.

I must say that by 400 number seven I was TIRED!  My legs really just wanted to walk and my arms wanted to hold onto the sides.  However, neither of those options will get me a faster half time.  I ran and gutted it out to the finish and LOVED IT!  I am already planning on picking up the pace next week and attempting between 8-10 repeats.  Can I do it?  We shall see, but I am determined and I do have "Dancing with the Stars" to keep me company!

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