To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Keeping it Simple...again!

One of my goals for the year is to simply my house and life.  With four kids, I believe we have too much stuff!  We have lots of toys, books, clothing, and who knows what else the kids are hiding from me.  Drew and I have a bunch of stuff as well.  We just have too much stuff, in my opinion.

So, I have been working diligently to sort through all the toys and clothing to pare everything down to what we really need.  I am making progress....slowly, but I am seeing improvements.  However, I think in my quest to make things more simple, I am making myself crazy.

I have become a little obsessed with getting things out of my house.  I spend too much time thinking about what can go next and what is the next area I can tackle.  Then, when I start a project please don't interrupt me.  This is truly a ridiculous desire because of the four little people who call me mommy!

And, there lies the problem.  I have lost the real focus of being a mom in the past few weeks.  It is not having the cleanest house on the block or the most organized or the most simply decorated house.  My job is to be a mom who is intentional focusing on my children when they are home.  I honestly don't really care if in 25 years from now they remember how organized our life and house was (well maybe a little!).  So again I am refocusing my desire to make things simpler and less cluttered in our home.

Twenty minutes a day....that is it!  I have many mommy tasks in addition to what I want to do (run, exercise, read, play dates, etc) so I have be purposeful about simplifying our house!  I am betting I will still see a big difference at the end of each week.  Plus, I might stay saner at the same time!!

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