I have been running pretty much five days a week since the marathon. Running helped ease the soreness and I have gradually built back distance and speed. Since I am not training for a marathon there is not much need to run long. I should clarify and state that I don't really consider 10-12 miles to be long anymore. It is long, but not really long!
But, I have missed running long. I love being out on my own just me and my thoughts. I missed thinking about my legs being really tired. I missed having all that time to pray. I missed pushing myself...challenging myself...making myself stronger!
This past week it was time. I needed a long run and I got a great long run. I ran 15 miles with the goal of 6 at 8 minute mile pace. After that I wanted to push the time still and finish strong. Races for me are not great unless I finish strong. I work hard so I have enough left to finish and finish STRONG!
I actually ran 7 miles at my goal pace. My times were 8:00, 8:07, 7:42, 8:04, 7:52, 8:00 and 8:08. These were miles 7-13. I had already run 6 miles so my legs were not fresh and I worked for these times. The best part was I could have gone harder for longer. However, I don't want my long runs to be my races. I want to challenge myself and know I can do more. This run proved that to me.
Overall my 15 mile time was 2:07 with an average pace time of 8:28. Gunning for a 1:45 half is crazy fast for me and it will be a HUGE challenge. Again, without BIG GOALS there is not much point to this. The goal is there and the belief is starting to come!
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