To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Changing my plan

I am running a half on June 2...can't wait!  Unfortunately for me two weeks ago my hip starting hurting during my 15 mile run.   It has hurt off and on since that time.  It is not a pain where I can't run.  Mostly it feels tight.  But, I do feel it with every step after I run and it does not matter if it is a short, long, slow, or fast run.  It will just hurt.

Funny thing about this dumb hip is that it hurt every time I ran until I fell.  Right before I fell I was contemplating stopping to stretch it.  Then I fell, gathered myself, and off I went again with no hip pain.  Craziest thing EVER!

I have found no cure except not to run.  That is not currently an option for me that I am willing to take seriously.  I am committed to this half and I AM going to RACE it!  That is just that.

However, I am not totally crazy and I know I need to take care of my hip if I want to race well and even if I want to continue running this summer.  I really don't want an injury!  So, I am altering my plan.  Honestly, I feel ready to run the half.  There is more work to do.  Isn't there always?   But, if the race was tomorrow I would be ready.

I previously had two days of speed work and some sort of speed work built into my long run.  I eliminated one day of speed work.  I also am cutting my running days to five.  This is the worst because I really like to run and would run seven days a week if that was good for me.  It is not and now I will just be running five days.  I am willing to go to four if I must.  Pray that does not happen!

I am praying this reduction in hard runs and runs in general helps what ails me!

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