To be the best Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Runner I can be...God willing!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Jonah's accident

Have you ever thought about all the little decisions you make or don't make in a day?  Everything we do all day long is a choice....get up or hit snooze, play on Facebook or fold the laundry, make dinner or order out, and the list goes on!  Then have you thought about how all those decisions impact something huge either in a positive or negative way?  I usually don't unless something traumatic happens, which is what happened on Sunday.

We went to our good friend's house for a swim party.  I decided to leave my purse and phone at home.  I did not need it.  We were swimming.

I decided not to take a change of clothing.  I had my cover-up and we live five minutes away.  Who needs dry clothes?

I did make the kids bring dry clothing.

I ate too many appetizers.  They were yummy!

Eileen and I talked about how the red pool lights make you think there is blood in the pool. 

I thought it was incredibly fun to watch all the boys do silly poses as they jumped in the pool.

Then Jonah hit his head as he tried to do a back flip into the pool.  And I mean really hit his head.  The moment he came to the surface I knew we were going to the ER. 

Jonah was changed...good decision to bring dry clothing!  He was warm!

I was wet....bad decision not to bring dry clothing.  I froze at the hospital. 

I had to drive home to get my purse and phone...bad decision to leave that stuff at home.  I WANTED to take Jonah so I told Drew to stay with the other kiddos.

Ironic that Eileen and I talked about blood in the pool.

We were at the ER until 10pm so it was a good decision that I had too many appetizers.

All seemingly little choices all day long had a huge impact on the rest of my day.  Thankfully those decisions did not impact the outcome of Jonah being FINE!  He was treated, received four staples, and is good to go.  But, I kept thinking about my choices all day long.  I don't think I could have changed what happened.  I guess the getting to the ER and being there could have been faster and warmer.

Still, I wonder how many other little...seemingly harmless...decisions I make all day have a great impact.  Am I aware?  Am I clueless?

I am so thankful that Jonah is perfect!  All is well.  But, I feel more aware of what I do, think, and say.  I hope it lasts because it is obvious that small choices have a great impact!


  1. What a scare!! I'm so glad he is ok and everything worked out for the best! You couldn't be more right- small choices really do make an impact. After something scary it seems like all our senses are a little more heightened. I was in a car accident 4 summers ago and ever since then I try not to take for granted a safe ride anywhere. The first few days after any type of accident are the hardest but it gets easier and life goes on... Hopefully for the better! :-)

  2. Poor Jonah and poor you! So scary. So glad he is on the mend. Good seeing you guys yesterday!! :)
