Today in the sweltering sun was Jonah's field day. This is quite the production and very well run. Most of the stations are outside with the exception of three located in the gym. The air conditioning was a welcome relief from the heat. Thankfully high school student volunteer to run the stations so parents and siblings can spectate.
We arrived late and I had previously informed Jonah that we would not stay for the entire morning. Almost three hours of watching kindergartners do relays, play games, etc is a lot for a mom. But, it is really too much for a 2 and 4 year old. We lasted one hour before the complaints were too much to take!
Watching the relay races |
Jonah was on the blue team with other children from his class. Each station lasted about 10 minutes...maybe 15. It is a very fun days for the kids and teachers.
Look at that stride! |
Jonah's class with some of the softball team volunteers |
It was hilarious to watch the kids bounce on these things. |
The Popsicle eating station...probably the most popular one. |
Watering throwing station. Sponges were thrown at fun! |
Cart relays |
More relays while balancing objects on their hands and head. |
Samuel and Elena entertained themselves by playing on the playground.
Sweet Jonah was a hot and sweaty mess, but he had fun. Thankfully the afternoon is spent watching a movie. After school he was one tired boy. Truly it was probably Jonah's favorite day at school!
Tomorrow Elena and I get to go back to watch Emma!
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